This date it constantly valuable and yet so vulnerable to keep. 
Where no amount of money can buy and time is the price. 
We've been into ups and downs. 
But we've managed to get through with them. 
In the process, we grow and mature. 
I hope we stay in love with each other. 
The words i looking for. 
Something short and simple yet difficult to explain. 
I know saying those words are not enough to express my feelings to you. 
On our anniversary let  me thanks you for all the love and care. 
For all the moment we shared, which i truly treasured. 
I know that sometimes I'am very hard to deal with. 
Still, you manage to stay by my side. 
Thank you for just being there where I needed you most.

Dear Lord,
I thank you from the deep center of my soul.
For amazing and wonderful partner you have given me. 
This gift from you bless me.
With joy, peace and fulfillment, ever minute, every hour, and every day.
Lord please keep him safe, blessed and lets us be together eternally.
 Thank you for being part of my life. 
For making it amazing and worth living. 
I hope we celebrate more anniversaries in the future.

p / s : 
Happy 305 days anniversary sayang.
I LOVE you much ! 