it has been a longer than a year..
longer than a month..
longer than a week..
longer than a day..
longer than an hour..
longer than a second..
that you have been in my life..
that i have loved you..
that i thought of you day and night..
that you have held me close..
that i have had you in my heart..
that i have felt your love..
the questions i've asked..
the answers you reply..
so love,
for the question i seek the answer of..
can it be longer than a year..
a month, a week..
a day, an hour..
a split second..
for i want you close..
you are my playmate, my classmate..
my hero, my sweet..
my partner in crime, my justice maker..
my best friend..
and only..
my ♥
p / s :
Mr. Sepet,
Mr. Sepet,
" i love you without reason nor doubt "